We are your expert resource on women's health and offer the full range of gynecologic services!
A comprehensive physical exam that includes discussing how to minimize health risks and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
read more >>We will help you outline the benefits and risks of all types of contraception to determine which option is best for you.
read more >>A common and frustrating issue, we can help you find out why and build a personalized plan.
read more >>We provide discrete counseling and testing for sexually transmitted infections through physical exam and laboratory evaluation.
read more >>Heavy or unexpected bleeding between periods is evaluated by physical exam, blood tests and ultrasound to determine optimal treatment.
read more >>Pap smears, mammograms and colonoscopy are all important tools used to detect cancer which we can help perform or facilitate for you.
read more >>In office microscopic evaluation of vaginal discharge can confirm the presence of a vaginal infection and thus tailor appropriate treatment.
read more >>Symptoms following the cessation of periods can be difficult, we can inform you of various hormonal and non hormonal treatment options.
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